
We want students to share Jesus with their friends and classmates, to make disciples, and be equipped to be on mission by carrying out the Great Commission.

We do this by:

  • Hosting fun, youth-specific events that give our students a way to spread the Gospel with their friends and neighbors.

  • Providing multiple age-specific small groups meant to teach students to dive into Scripture, follow Jesus fully, and to have a greater sense of community with fellow believers.

  • Giving opportunities to send students out to various local, national, and international destinations to share Jesus with the lost.

Join us to find out more about Elevate Student Ministry!

Small Groups

Sunday mornings

9:30am - 10:45am
3rd Floor Elevate Room

6th-12th Grades 
Nate and Jo West, Tim and Julie Gresham


Bible Study

Mid-Week Ministry

Wednesday evenings

6:30pm - 7:45pm
3rd Floor Elevate Room

6th-12th Grade
Teachers: Pastor James Taylor, Kara Taylor, Tim and Julie Gresham, Trace and Kaitlyn Bryant, Holden Gilman, Ryen Stahl

Have Questions?


Nate West

Associate Pastor of Student Ministry

(804) 598-2455